Letter : To your younger brother advising to take interest in games

Advising to take interest in games
Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
March 02, 2015
My Dear Tariq,
Yesterday, when I came back from office, I receive monthly progress report from your class teacher. I am very glad to learn that you have stood first in your class. I have also learnt that you have become a bookworm. It is really very good to work hard. But at the same time you should not neglect your health. You must play one game or the other. If your health is good, your mind will be fresh and healthy. The time spent in games will not be wasted. Games will teach you discipline, obedience and self control. You know that these things are essential for successful life. And also remember that “All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy”.
With best wishes.
Your loving brother,

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