Differentiate between Magnetic Tape and Magnetic Disk

Differentiate between Magnetic Tape and Magnetic Disk Points : Differentiate between Magnetic Tape and Magnetic Disk comparison between Magnetic Tape and Magnetic Disk, distinguish between Magnetic Tape and Magnetic Disk
Differentiate between Magnetic Tape and Magnetic Disk
Magnetic Tape
Magnetic Disk
1.Less expensive.More expensive.
2.Slow access to records.Fast access to record.
3.Ideal for sequential processing.Ideal for random access processing.
4.Not suitable for online integrative processing.Suitable for online interactive processing.
5.Updates requires new tape.We can add data to existing disk.
6.When tape tears some data has to be lost.Read/write heads can crash and destroy files.
7.Generally we for back up (huge amount of data).Generally use to transfer small amount by data.

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