There have been several scientific discoveries and inventions in the last couple of decades that have made life much easier. Last decade was no exception. There were quite a few significant scientific inventions that received appreciation. Here is a look at the 10 most remarkable recent scientific inventions.

Recent Scientific Inventions and Discoveries
  1. Control over Biomechanical Hand through Mind
Amputee Pierpaolo Petruzziello, an Italian who lost his forearm in an unfortunate accident, learned how to control a biomechanical hand connected to his arm by way of his thoughts. The hand connected to his arm nerves via electrodes and wires. He became the first person to master the art of making movements such as finger wiggling, grabbing objects and moving fist with his thoughts.
  1. Global Positioning System
Global Positioning System, popularly referred to as GPS, became commercially viable in the year 2005. It was embedded into the mobile devices and proved to be a boon for the travelers worldwide. Looking for directions while travelling to newer places couldn’t get easier.
  1. Prius – The Self-Driving Car
Google initiated the self-driving car project in the year 2008 and soon Toyota introduced Prius. This car does not have brake pedal, steering wheel or accelerator. It is powered by an electric motor and does not require any user interaction to operate. It is embedded with special software, a set of sensors and accurate digital maps to ensure that the driverless experience is smooth and safe.
  1. Android
Known to be one of the most noteworthy inventions of the decade, Android came as a revolution and took over the market that was earlier flooded with Symbian and Java powered devices. Most smart phones these days run on the Android operating system. It supports millions of applications.
  1. Computer Vision
Computer vision includes several sub-domains such as event detection, indexing, object recognition, object pose estimation, motion estimation, image restoration, scene reconstruction, learning and video tracking. The field encompasses techniques of processing, analyzing, acquiring and comprehending images in high-dimensional data from the actual world so as to come up with symbolic information.
  1. Touch Screen Technology
The touch screen technology seems to have taken over the world. The ease of operating makes for the popularity of the touch screen devices. These devices have become a rage worldwide.
  1. 3D Printing Technique
The 3D printing device can make a variety of stuff including kitchenware, accessories, lamps and much more. Also known as additive manufacturing, this technique creates three-dimensional objects of any shape with the use of digital model data from electronic data source such as Additive Manufacturing File (AMF).
  1. Git Hub
Launched in the year 2008, Git Hub is a version control repository revision control and Internet hosting service that offers features such as bug tracking, task management, feature requests and sharing of codes, apps, etc. The development of GitHub platform started in 2007 and the site was launched in 2008.
  1. Smart Watches
Smart watches have been in the market for quite some time. However, the newer ones such as that launched by Apple have come with several added features and have gained immense popularity. These watches come with almost all the features of the smart phones and are easier to carry and operate.
  1. Crowd Funding Sites
The introduction of crowd-funding sites such as GoFundMe, Kickstarter and Indiegogo has been a boon for the creative minds. By way of these sites, inventors, artists and other creative people get a chance to share their ideas and receive financial help they require to implement the same.ConclusionScientists worldwide observe and experiment continually to bring forth new scientific inventions, making life easier for people. They do not only keep coming up with newer inventions but also improvise the existing ones wherever there is a scope. While these inventions have made life easier for the man; however, the amount of environmental, social and political hazards these have caused are not hidden from you all.

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